Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Inside Unlimited Projects #12

In March, we've continue to make good progress on all projects throughout the studio.

Published by Drafter


March Monthly Report:

Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. Now, let's see what work took place this month...


Attack on Titan: Project

Last month saw our team yet again reach another milestone on our project timeline. Our Patreon Testers have been hard at work finding bugs, testing mechanics, and providing valuable feedback to the development team. The beginning of last month began with a much-needed rework of our loading system. Due to entities being stuck at a certain number, players were not able to get into the game. A refactor was done on how the player loads in our game assets. Next on the list, we finally completed hair adjustments onto our base titan head, allowing us to see what a fully dressed titan would look like. By March 10th we shifted the focus off of Titans, since we noow consider them feature complete, and we began to focus on the main cosmetic and monetization aspect of the game, our crates system. This system saw work from our animators and builders creating both the room and the crate animations, some of which you saw in our last monthly report. 

Our team spent many hours adding all the cool cosmetics to each crate, along with their weight value and chances. This required a serious amount of time, it also resulted in us adding a new category to the character customizer, the cosmetics section. 

In the image above, you can see the new section split into 3 options. Your 3dmg skin, Aura, and blade skin. With these additions, we've opened the door for players to create truly unique characters with all the diverse options and accessories to choose from. It should be noted that these aura's and skins are Freeplay specific, and will not be in our lore release.

Near the end of the month, work was done on polishing the titans, adjusting hitboxes, and other QoL that will be necessary for a polished launch. This work will be ongoing into April. A remake of the Freeplay Lobby and Training Forest had also begun, lead by our builder and community member Trystan and will continue to see work into April. Last month also saw the return of one of the greatest UI designers on Roblox, Clash, onto the New Module Team who continued to work on some final UI additions and overhauls into our game. 

Finally, we continued to refine our 3DMG mechanics. We believe our 3DMG is one of the best out of all the other 3dmg options games have to offer, providing unmatched versatility, realism, and player customization like no other. We want the player to customize their experience to their preference, which is why last month saw our addition of the 3dmg Tune System, which allows the player to press a hotkey to display 4 gear options. Pull Force, Pull Speed, Orbit Speed, and Orbit Radius. If you like to have distance when fighting a titan while in your orbit? Tune your 3DMG to do so. Like to get close to a Titan when you orbit? You can do so! We also overhauled the 3DMG animations as seen in our video below, we also will be adding dynamic 3DMG diving in April as a part of our final 3DMG initiative. 

Work also was done on [REDACTED], something we are incredibly excited for the players to try out, but want to leave it as a surprise on release! There was an uncountable amount of fixes and adjustments that cannot be listed on this report.


Shinboi: Project

Greetings Shinobi! Last month saw many exciting updates from our development team. Let's dive into the changes...

Fixes and Improvements:

  • We've addressed the ragdoll issue with Leaf Whirlwind.
  • Patrol Detectives will now be rewarded with Talent Points automatically after passing server checks, incentivizing patrols.
  • The cooldown for Veil Strike has been increased to 90 seconds, balancing its power in combat.
  • Veil Strike is now classified as a Rare jutsu.
  • Primary Lotus has received a much-needed damage buff.
  • New Lore specific content was added

Combat Enhancements:

  • Water Vortex can now be properly blocked once again, allowing for better counterplay in combat.
  • The hand signs for Blood Slice have been streamlined.
  • Various animations for Blood Slice and Blood Genjutsu have been polished.
  • Lee clan members now have a passive speed buff.

Gameplay Tweaks:

  • Academies and Genins can now engage in Solo Advanced Missions against each other.
  • Certain Kenjutsu Talents now apply to the base Katana, expanding the possibilities for swordsmanship within the game.
  • Improved hit detection ensures that Dynamic Entry, Swap Pos Genjutsu, and Transformation Jutsu land with precision.

Balancing and Adjustments:

  • Various damage rank scales have been refined for GFB, Flame Bomb, Phoenix Flower, and Lightning Web jutsu to create a more balanced combat experience.
  • The stun and endlag reliability of 64 Palms and 32 Palms has been enhanced, especially in laggy server environments.
  • Divine Wind has received boosts to both speed and damage at higher ranks.

Quality of Life Updates:

  • Music volume now behaves as expected with the setting.
  • Rogue Event rewards have been buffed to provide greater incentives for participation.
  • Addition of trait descriptions and trait rerolling options within the character creator


Work also began on new expansive content, including content planning and now production on [REDACTED]. We also introduced a new boss that many Shinobi should fear, the Cursed Samurai Akumu, who dwells within the Land of Iron, a place many Shinobi do not dare to enter. This is one of many content additions we are working on to have a fully realized and unique experience for each map. We want LOI to have its unique feel and content, allowing players to decide where they dare to go. The calm of Main Land, or the unknown yet rewarding expanses of the Land of Iron. 

We also continued to progress on the new player Tutorial. This is an essential addition for new players to understand the complexity of S:P and our systems. This tutorial is for both console and computer players alike, allowing them to understand basic mechanics, and how they are to progress throughout the game. Other content that is in production is also allowing the player to view their character creator screen again via the tab menu, and adding ACAD Duels for XP/Money, allowing low-level ACADs to rank up while learning combat mechanics. 

Shinobi Project is one of our most exciting projects to date, and there are many arcs and content planned by both our development and lore teams. We are excited to continue to develop this game with the community! 


Clone Wars: Project

Last month CW:P saw major changes in the development route we plan to take. With our addition of Pittacrust, a seasoned Software engineer onto our team, we've seen plenty of improvements and progress with our gun system. The focus is to wrap up the gun system, and we are excited to announce that we are almost there! March saw us tackle important limitations on our gun system, how much can the client render lasers, and how many lasers can the server handle. It was concluded that the client could hold up to 2,000 lasers on their screen before seeing major performance issues. 

"I'm working on trying to get the character's orientation (arms + head with gun equipped) to replicate to clients efficiently. The reason visuals may be lacking is because sometimes the tasks are more visual, front-end work whereas others are pure boring back-end replication - and I tend to reserve the latter for after all the front-end work is done."

Pittacrust, Lead Programmer @ Clone Wars: Project

Finally, much of the needed backend code was completed to ensure the client-to-client experience was as smooth and seamless as can be made, making sure the lasers were accurate and visual, along with the sound and positions. This system is modular, and we are hoping to have all the other gun variants done in the new month!

Demon Slayer: Project

Last month saw the addition of TaylorRus onto the team as the Lead Programmer who joined near the end of last month. 

"I'm TaylorsRus. I've been scripting on the platform for four years now, and have a great deal of experience across the Roblox platform. I've taken over Demon Slayer: Projects development, as the Lead Programmer.  I have been spending time laying the frameworks within the team, getting affairs in order and collaborating with Drafter on a game plan. With full transparency, the development of the game has been slightly all over the place, in the past, the project has struggled to find a "forever" scripter, and therefore any progress that was made had to be reverted by the time the next scripter came around. With my permanent addition to the team, I'm committed to cleaning up the loose ends that have been left scattered, and bringing together the skills and talents of all of Unlimited Projects, to create a game that I would've wanted on the platform. By combining the creative minds we have on our team, we can turn this into a fully realized story and game unlike any other. In terms of more of the back side, I've been working for several months now on a framework for the game engine, as well as the front end here and there. As always, our goal is to deliver something you can play as soon as possible, which of course means, fighting mechanics, as well as movement mechanics. As I stated before, a lot of the previous progress of the game was slightly null and void, as changes in the team resulted in reverting of changes. But with that being said, I am happy with what we've got in the works, and I'm excited to show you more, as there is more to show."

- TaylorRus, Lead Programmer @ Demon Slayer: Project


And that concludes this month's report! If you've ever contemplated joining the developers of Unlimited Projects to contribute to our ambitious endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out. We continue to make tremendous progress, and we want to give a huge thank you to both our developers, players, and staff team for making all of this possible. Together, we can continue pushing the boundaries of the Roblox experience to new heights. We're immensely grateful for your dedication.
We'll see you in our April Monthly report!


Drafter - Studio Lead                                                                                    

TheGuyYallKnow - AOT:P New Module Lead Programmer

WaySide - AOT:P Old Module Lead Programmer

Ser3rm - S:P Project Leader

Pittacrust - CW:P Lead Programmer

TaylorsRus - DS:P Lead Programmer S:P Programmer

Virgil - S:P Programmer

Benshi-San - Intern Bot Programmer

Jaden - DS:P Project Leader

Traveler - U:P Animator

Rainy - U:P Animator

LolguyRuski - U:P Animator

Evelyn - AOT:P Builder

PotatoBlockz - AOT:P Builder

Exactly - AOT:P Builder

Tia - S:P Modeler / DS:P Builder

Otto - AOT:P Builder

Vital - AOT:P Builder

Xaden - AOT:P Builder

nobodygivesacrap12 - AOT:P Builder

Orange - AOT:P Animator

Jork - S:P Lead Builder

XyPixel - DS:P Lead Builder

Clash - AOT:P UI Arist

Catalyst - S:P UI Artist

DisguisedDash - CW:P UI Arist

Lizardgucci - S:P Village Artist

Combine - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

AleisterCross - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

Ahmed - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

Prime_Slime - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Zack  - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Kerrissh - DS:P/S:P Modeler

Scrumptious - DS:P/S:P VFX Artist

Preadator - CW:P Vehicle Artist

Our wonderful staff team and lore team

Thank you to our Patreons!

Caesar_Salid, Acelair, Aotfan96, Atlas, Berecci, BlueStreak3008, Bolt_Awoke, Cartoonfartoon, Chrysler, ClydeJokes, Deadlyhacker9981, Deerhunter60641, Drainerkrieg, EvaWithoutRice, Eyebrawl1235, Galaxy06155, Grollan, HyperGamer653, Infinitymaster761, Janflash35, Jhackedmed, Kakashi_HK, Kaneke, KoriesKoi, Lawwism, LightningGIGN, Mah_Neck, Mr.Azure, MuraGrand, Navi_hub, Oowib, Polarsy, Postamos, PressuredAtrophy, Pvpfaith, Soes_x, Stahlling, Swiftpedro, Teltaps, TheNoya, Tr1ppy02, Trxsh_Fear, Twistymix, Txmirr, Viktorbim007, Vykore, Wadm, xNotKieferx, XV1Celtic, ZyconZX, Zyrieums, AirSwoos, BlasianYoyo, Blez, Dumblummy, Isaiah, S6RE3G0D, Turtle, Zaphox, Zuzuke3uchiha78, AntsFriend_8, Bygons, Combine, Crewman, Dime, DarkenedPlague, Derply01, Eckin1, AleisterCross, Kaito, A'#, Kybrenic, ljawsome995, StygianStorm0, TheHawkGuy9000YT, ToxDox42, Soundwave, and Sharp.


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