Inside Unlimited Projects #22
Feburary Monthly Report: Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. ...
3 weeks ago read moreThursday, 10 October 2024
In September, we continue to make good progress on all projects throughout the studio.
Published by Drafter
September Monthly Report:
Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. Now, let's see what work took place this month...
Attack on Titan: Project
In September development continued on all fronts, including our design team that continued work on scenes for the release trailer, and new UI for the skill tree. As we move onto the final polishing phase, we are rounding out the last reworks and the final mission before we prepare the game for a release.
Console support was fully implemented, allowing Console players to use 3dmg on controller and play AOTP effectively. The controls came out great, and were tested extensively with all positive feedback. Work was also completed on our skills, bringing them up to a polished standard with new VFX and SFX. Gear settings now save when players edit them. The Kenny Voice Actor for the Crystal PvP mission finished his voice lines, and work was done on preparing the scene to be created for the opening of the mission.
Titans were fully reanimated for the final time, this is to have titans release-ready to the highest animation standard, and allowed us to fix issues with the titan head rig.
We also began working on a new skill tree polish that will bring our UX design to a new level. A fully animated skill tree based on Attack on Titan themes.
AP gear was mostly completed, with the rest of the work carrying on into the new module for polishing, shooting, and adding all the needed functionality for PvP which includes player hooking, blocking, parrying, and dodging.
Shinobi: Project
In the last month, work continued on Shinobi Project's 1.3 update. This update is bring many content and combat additions to smooth out the overall quality of the game and our combat. Significant testing was done for 1.3, with Wave 0 applications being announced, fresh blood was put into the test, and we are happy to say that the Wave 0 testers were dueling each other for hours with our new combat additions.
September also saw us finish up work on Akumu, the hardest boss in all of S:P that players can fight in the Land of Iron, he drops some... powerful things, and does a bit of rolling for you. Voice acting and voice lines were implemented as a new functionality with the boss. Gameplay functionality and move sets were all created for Akumu, including new parrying mechanics and an entire animation and sound overhaul to all basic attacks, movement and swords within the game. Work on the second boss, Kizuato, an apprentice of Akumu was also created with his move set. In September we'll be rounding out the final boss, Rajin, and be completing all needed scenes for these new additions.
The build and VFX team continued on new locations for the Land of Iron that will be in 1.3, alongside many new VFX reworks to existing skills, and new skills that will come in 1.3
New moves were pushed into Wave 0 for testing, including new medical ninjutsu and kenjutsu functionality. We also added inventory logos based on category of the item, this should allow users to quickly identify the item they have. Another big feature addition was our new Cooldown, Tool slot and Amount Saving. This means the current setup of tools you have will remain with you persistently. Plenty of other reworks were completed on Jitsu's to raise the overall quality and experience of S:P.
- Removed default loading screen during server transitions.
- Adjusted settings to improve performance and optimize resource loading.
- Reduced part count on the mainland and removed unoptimized structures.
- Fixed various in-game mechanics, including unintended player deaths and movement issues.
- Addressed map-related performance issues.
- Updated gameplay elements, including armor attributes and abilities.
- Revised permissions and updated server configurations.
Majority of work being done is in 1.3, we will release a changelog for 1.3 upon release
Clone Wars: Project
In the last month the team has been hard at work on multiple aspects of the game. The team continued work on a new enemy capital ship, the Munificent-Class Star Frigate, which saw full completion before the end of the month.
Work was also completed on the place selector, filling out the selection map with hyperspace travel lanes, production outputs of each planet, and deploying Republic Venators on the their assigned planets.
Work was also done on Venator functionality, bringing the large Venator to life. This included making all the doors openable and allowing for them to be destroyed by enemies. Work on the Venator also saw us adding player controlled Turrets, which will be used by Navy Personnel against enemy fighters and enemy Capital Ships. Into the New Month, we will be working on Venator Damage States, which will set the tone of the entire Venator as it begins to lose health and break down.
Work was also done on new ceremonial weapon animations, preparing the game for graduations, this will be an important RP feature for cadets learning arm commands and how to handle their ceremonial rifles. Work was also done on Capital Ship AI movement, allowing the Capital ships to move into positions and attack Republic Venators.
And that concludes this month's report! If you've ever contemplated joining the developers of Unlimited Projects to contribute to our ambitious endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out. We continue to make tremendous progress, and we want to give a huge thank you to both our developers, players, and staff team for making all of this possible. Together, we can continue pushing the boundaries of the Roblox experience to new heights. We're immensely grateful for your dedication.
We'll see you in our October Monthly report!
Drafter - Studio Lead
TheGuyYallKnow - AOT:P New Module Lead Programmer
WaySide - AOT:P Old Module Lead Programmer
Ser3rm - S:P Project Leader
K1 - [REDACTED] Project Leader
Happy - CW:P Lead Programmer
TaylorsRus - DS:P Lead Programmer
Virgil - S:P Programmer
Jaden - DS:P Project Leader
Peeler - U:P VFX Artist
Traveler - U:P Animator
Rainy - U:P Animator
LolguyRuski - U:P Animator
Trystan - AOT:P Builder / Cinematic Artist
PotatoBlockz - AOT:P Builder
Exactly - AOT:P Builder
Tia - S:P Modeler / DS:P Builder
Otto - AOT:P Builder
Vital - AOT:P Builder
Xaden - AOT:P Builder
nobodygivesacrap12 - AOT:P Builder
Orange - AOT:P Animator
Jork - S:P Lead Builder
XyPixel - DS:P Lead Builder
Clash - AOT:P UI Arist
Catalyst - S:P UI Artist
DisguisedDash - CW:P UI Arist
Lizardgucci - S:P Village Artist
Combine - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
AleisterCross - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
Ahmed - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
Prime_Slime - DS:P Gameplay Advisor
Zack - DS:P Gameplay Advisor
Kerrissh - DS:P/S:P Modeler
Scrumptious - DS:P/S:P VFX Artist
Preadator - CW:P Vehicle Artist
Our wonderful staff team and lore team
Thank you to our Patreons!
Caesar_Salid, Acelair, Aotfan96, Atlas, Berecci, BlueStreak3008, Bolt_Awoke, Cartoonfartoon, Chrysler, ClydeJokes, Deadlyhacker9981, Deerhunter60641, Drainerkrieg, EvaWithoutRice, Eyebrawl1235, Galaxy06155, Grollan, HyperGamer653, Infinitymaster761, Janflash35, Jhackedmed, Kakashi_HK, Kaneke, KoriesKoi, Lawwism, LightningGIGN, Mah_Neck, Mr.Azure, MuraGrand, Navi_hub, Oowib, Polarsy, Postamos, PressuredAtrophy, Pvpfaith, Soes_x, Stahlling, Swiftpedro, Teltaps, TheNoya, Tr1ppy02, Trxsh_Fear, Twistymix, Txmirr, Viktorbim007, Vykore, Wadm, xNotKieferx, XV1Celtic, ZyconZX, Zyrieums, AirSwoos, BlasianYoyo, Blez, Dumblummy, Isaiah, S6RE3G0D, Turtle, Zaphox, Zuzuke3uchiha78, AntsFriend_8, Bygons, Combine, Crewman, Dime, DarkenedPlague, Derply01, Eckin1, AleisterCross, Kaito, A'#, Kybrenic, ljawsome995, StygianStorm0, TheHawkGuy9000YT, ToxDox42, Soundwave, and Sharp.
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