Inside Unlimited Projects #22
Feburary Monthly Report: Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. ...
3 weeks ago read moreSaturday, 2 November 2024
In October, we continue to make good progress on all projects throughout the studio.
Published by Drafter
October Monthly Report:
Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. Now, let's see what work took place this month...
Attack on Titan: Project
Last month work continued on the final PvP mission and mechanics. This involved extensive internal testing for the projectiles system and movement. An important focus for us is close-quarters combat.
As seen above, we are adding dodging similar to games such as Shinobi: Project or Deepwoken, which promote close quarters combat. Because we are adding deflection and blocking, we want players to get close and personal, this is why dodging will add an entire new dynamic to PvP in AOT:P. The projectiles are still WIP.
New mission pads were added to lobby, instead of a hotkey there is a key location easy for players to quickly gather at.
Work also continued on the new and final titan polishing, which we are not ready to show just yet is reaching completion. It is the final titan additions and polishing we are doing to them until they are release ready. Eyes on all titans now fully work on every titan variant, allowing for a truly terrifying experience. Titans have come along way from when we started development on them, and we are excited to have players face these challenging beasts.
We begin testing on the final PvP mission this month, so if you have not yet, make sure you role request for Premium User if you are a 3+ year veteran or have ever bought an AOTP gamepass.
Shinobi: Project
October has been a busy month for development on our next big 1.3 update. These new updates aim at enhancing gameplay, performance, and fixing various bugs that are currently in 1.25. Let's break down the key changes:
Data Rework and Bug Fixes:
- Data Rework: We've completed a significant data rework, which may affect various aspects of the game. While we believe most things are working, extensive testing is still needed to ensure everything functions as intended.
- Bug Fixes: We've addressed several critical bugs, including issues with Fire Breath, and massive memory leaks caused by projectile moves.
Reworks: Spin Slash M2 was reworked, Flash Step recieved edits, and Lightning Web was remade.
Combat System Refinements:
The combat system has received several tweaks to improve balance and player experience
- Jutsu Cancelling: A new feature, jutsu cancelling, has been added. This allows players to cancel certain jutsus mid-animation, adding a new layer of depth to combat.
- Parry System: The parry window has been reduced to 0.2 seconds, and parrying now cancels if you attempt to M1 or cast a jutsu.
Mining System Overhaul:
We've completely revamped the mining system. Players can now drop ore by pressing backspace. We've also made improvements to the looting system to address minor issues.
Performance Optimizations and Bug Fixes:
- Talent Application: Talent rolls are now saved, ensuring your choices are persistent, alongside Talents now apply automatically, eliminating the need to relog to receive their benefits.
- Compass Tool: A new compass tool has been added to help players navigate the world.
Additional Features and Improvements:
- Prodigy System: All clans now have a small chance to spawn with the Prodigy trait, which grants special bonuses.
- New Talents: Added Various new rollable talents, including Harmony, Yin, Yang, Medical, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu talents.
We are also adding new craftable armors not just to LOI, but across all of our maps. All armors that are in development are from player requests.
These are just some of the highlights from October. We've had extensive testing on the new content for 1.3, have begun putting the content into certain maps as we gear up to release.
Clone Wars: Project
Last month the team focused on key area's of the game, that being the Capital Ship Functionality and our AI system. As we setout from the beginning of the project, we are pushing the boundaries of the Roblox engine because we aim to recreate the epic large-scale battles of Star Wars. We are happy to say we've inched even closer to this goal.
As you can see in the video, we've been able to have over 200+ Droids, and even tested upwards of 400 droids working optimally in our tests. We will likely never have to use this many droids, however it goes to show the level of optimization we have put into these AI so that we can truly make the battles large and epic.
On top of the optimization, we've added enhanced AI features to allow our lore team to craft stealth infiltration missions for our elite clones such as ARC Troopers, who may have to stealthily sneak into a Separatist base or outpost. This is where droid hearing comes in. Droids will be able to hear player footsteps and shots near by, and react to it, charging towards that location.
If the droid cannot find the player it does a small search, before returning to it's resting state. This will add a whole new combat dynamic in PD's, allowing players and high command to decide how to tackle the enemy without risking the lives off too many clones.
We also fully transitioned our guns to Bytenet, an optimal way of handling projectiles. As seen in our discord development update, the new system was able to shoot 384,000 bullets (from server to client) in 50~ seconds without doing anything to the player's FPS, Ping or network stats. For reference, we would need around 614.4~ players shooting the Z6 at the same time (with infinite bullets and no reload time) to be able to do the same.
Work also continued on capital ship functionality. As seen above, the ship dynamically reacts to damage. This is a system we call damage states. when the ship is lower on health, alarms will play and fires will start around the ship. The Venator will slowly "leak" more damage unless the repair points are repaired.
Although we hope that Capital Ships blowing up is a rare occurrence, we added the final damage state, which is the explosion of the capital ship. The Visuals are currently a work in progress and will be finalized near the end of the development of this capital ship.
One Piece: Project
This is the first monthly report for the new project, One Piece: Project. The project has been in development for a few months now, and we've made significant progress on scripting. The game's core scripts are practically finished, but there’s still tons of content to develop since this game will be packed with features and a massive amount of One Piece content. Moving forward, we'll also be working on all the front-end elements of the project, including visual effects and animations.
The map of the Blue Seas is already in development, it’s set to be a large map with over 20 islands of various sizes.
In October the combat system continued progress through our pipeline, and we are ready to show the combat system that is still a work in progress and will feature unique mechanics designed to make for a smooth and dynamic experience.
Customization will be extensive, offering tons of options to make it practically impossible to find two players who look the same. There are countless ways to customize your character.
The animation team last month were mainly focused on combat styles, with more than 15 different styles planned for the game’s release, each with its own characteristics, skills and animations.
There will be a wide range of weapons to complement each combat style, all of which will be obtainable, each with unique features. Additionally, there will be exclusive weapons with only one bearer each.
The entire talent interface is now complete. Talents are a mechanic for acquiring passive and active abilities based on your character's attributes, which means you'll have to choose a different path depending on how you want to shape your character’s style. This gives you endless options to choose from.
Work will continue on all fronts into November, if you are interested in getting an early start on OP:P, join the discord!
And that concludes this month's report! If you've ever contemplated joining the developers of Unlimited Projects to contribute to our ambitious endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out. We continue to make tremendous progress, and we want to give a huge thank you to both our developers, players, and staff team for making all of this possible. Together, we can continue pushing the boundaries of the Roblox experience to new heights. We're immensely grateful for your dedication.
We'll see you in our Novmember Monthly report!
Drafter - Studio Lead
TheGuyYallKnow - AOT:P New Module Lead Programmer
WaySide - AOT:P Old Module Lead Programmer
Ser3rm - S:P Project Leader & U:P Development Lead
Trystan - U:P Development Lead
Happy - CW:P Lead Programmer
Jai - CW:P Venator Commission Scripter
K1 - OP:P Project Leader
Rainy - OP:P Animator
vDemiii - OP:P Builder
Zaid - OP:P Animator
Toad - S:P Modeler
Virgil - S:P Programmer
Peeler - U:P VFX Artist
LolguyRuski - U:P Animator
PotatoBlockz - AOT:P Builder
Tia - S:P Modeler & VFX Arist
Otto - AOT:P Builder
Vital - AOT:P Builder
Xaden - AOT:P Builder
nobodygivesacrap12 - AOT:P Builder
Orange - AOT:P Animator
Jork - S:P Lead Builder
Catalyst - U:P UI Artist
Combine - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
AleisterCross - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
Ahmed - CW:P Gameplay Advisor
Prime_Slime - DS:P Gameplay Advisor
Zack - DS:P Gameplay Advisor
Kerrissh - DS:P/S:P Modeler
Preadator - CW:P Vehicle Artist
Our wonderful staff team and lore team
Thank you to our Patreons!
Caesar_Salid, Acelair, Aotfan96, Atlas, Berecci, BlueStreak3008, Bolt_Awoke, Cartoonfartoon, Chrysler, ClydeJokes, Deadlyhacker9981, Deerhunter60641, Drainerkrieg, EvaWithoutRice, Eyebrawl1235, Galaxy06155, Grollan, HyperGamer653, Infinitymaster761, Janflash35, Jhackedmed, Kakashi_HK, Kaneke, KoriesKoi, Lawwism, LightningGIGN, Mah_Neck, Mr.Azure, MuraGrand, Navi_hub, Oowib, Polarsy, Postamos, PressuredAtrophy, Pvpfaith, Soes_x, Stahlling, Swiftpedro, Teltaps, TheNoya, Tr1ppy02, Trxsh_Fear, Twistymix, Txmirr, Viktorbim007, Vykore, Wadm, xNotKieferx, XV1Celtic, ZyconZX, Zyrieums, AirSwoos, BlasianYoyo, Blez, Dumblummy, Isaiah, S6RE3G0D, Turtle, Zaphox, Zuzuke3uchiha78, AntsFriend_8, Bygons, Combine, Crewman, Dime, DarkenedPlague, Derply01, Eckin1, AleisterCross, Kaito, A'#, Kybrenic, ljawsome995, StygianStorm0, TheHawkGuy9000YT, ToxDox42, Soundwave, and Sharp.
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