Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Inside Unlimited Projects #20

In November, we continue to make good progress on all projects throughout the studio.

Published by Drafter


November Monthly Report:

Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. Now, let's see what work took place this month...

Attack on Titan: Project

This month marked substantial progress across various facets of Freeplay Mode.  The final cinematic Kenny cutscene was finalized, this addition is the final mission needed for Freeplay, and has a lore-accurate Kenny voice actor, and the team is very proud with out the cutscene has turned out.

On the multiplayer front, the backend infrastructure for Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay reached completion. This was a major undertaking but important to allow us to have a scalable framework, capable of supporting the large-scale and smooth fighting central to PvP in AOTP. Following this, significant time was dedicated to polishing the PvP experience. 

In parallel, a variety of bugs were identified and resolved. These fixes ranged from minor graphical inconsistencies to more complex issues affecting gameplay performance. This ongoing commitment to debugging has significantly improved the game’s stability.

Progress was also made in enhancing the visual and auditory experience. The VFX for our AP Gear received a thorough overhaul, bringing the game to our final development phase. Similarly, the development of clan-related features saw the completion of visual effects and animations. These additions add a layer of dynamism and personality to the clan system, making each clan worth rerolling.

Based on the testing we've had for the last 3 months, we've done one final UI overhaul to be in line with all features of the game.

As the project continues to evolve, the focus remains on delivering a polished and engaging experience. Looking ahead, priorities include finalizing the SFX for clan animations, continuing the balance and testing of PvP gameplay, and integrating feedback from testers. We are pushing towards a special video for the Christmas Special!

Shinobi: Project

This Month our Development team has focused on wrapping up a lot of stuff for the anticipated update 1.3 we are glad to say that development has been sailing smoothly and we plan to release on time with our anticipated release that will be announced relatively soon!

Our main focus this month has been reworks, optimization, bug fixes and of course new content to explore The Trial The way to become a Samurai has been fully set up and tested. We'll be wishing everyone luck on who's attempts it to try to become a Samurai.

An Actual new Clan has been implemented for the update. Various Jutsus on the Skilltree and for a few clans have been updated and remade. A New Variant of Talents has been introduced, we've felt that "Celestials" have lost their meaning so we decided to make a tier below Celestials, this being a brand new tier "Ethereal ". A handful of previously "Celestial" talents have been demoted to Ethereal an example being "Prodigy" Ethereal Talents are extremely rare and are typically unrollable via Talent Points. This change was mostly so we can truly enforce our "1 Celestial" rule. Various new Traits and Talents have been developed for 1.3. Some of the New Traits are:
- Spiritual Overflow
- Chakra Vault
- Undying Will

Now, what these traits do will be announced at a later date. It will be said though Undying Will will not be hard codable Various new tools and systems for future lore events have been developed, sadly we can't share all to you as we'd like to keep the element of surprise up but you will be seeing them soon in upcoming lore arcs such as the "Land of Fangs"

Combat Updates/Reworks
We've been undergoing changes to our combat system, Early Last Month, we undergone a rework to how "States" (i.e. Stuns) are replicated in S:P in the past, S:P used to handle states in a greatly unoptimized way by creating an instance every time someone is stunned. Now in 20, 30 even 40 player servers, while not the smartest it did work decently, but we wanted to improve playability in larger player servers. The old system is not optimal for this so we decided to move to a much more optimized attribute approach. Instead of creating a new instance every time someone is stunned, stuns will now be calculated by a single attribute. So far with our inside testing this change has gone smoothly. Alongside a network rewrite has been done. Now, we have experienced some issues with jutsu VFX not showing up correctly, if this issue consists on release, we likely will scrap this network rework on release unless the performance benefits are noticeable. otherwise the change has gone well. Some of the new Combat Reworks we implemented this month are as follows:

- The way Substitution was handled is changed, and is a lot different. We're still not finalized on the system so we aren't able to say much. But overall it is a lot more "Free" then the current system.
- Speed balancing, A major complaint about our combat has always been "X is too fast" so, we've decided to go back to the drawing boards and rewrite how speed is handled, Speed is now split into 3 boosts. Passive Speedboost, Dojutsu Speedboost and Limited Speedboosts (i.e. like Wind Boost)
- The Air Combo System has been reworked, of course we are keeping the parts that people love, we're adding much more functionality with the new system.
- Move Stacking fixes, We've taken measure to ensure move stacking isn't possible anymore. It'll be much harder to release upwards of "5 Moves at once" in a single air combo.
- The Ragdolling system was remade to be more optimized

The Future

 Now what about Post 1.3? We're excited to announce that we already have ideas on what to do after 1.3 and we're also proud to announce there should not be a wait this long again for an update. A Major reason 1.3 has taken so long is due to alot of backend code reworks and changes to future proof the game, and ensure updating the game is easier for our current and future developers. I'm proud to say that 1.3 has done this and updates 1.4 should release much faster then 1.3 with the new systems in place.

One Piece: Project

 This month, we’ve made some incredible progress, especially with the combat system. While it’s still a work in progress and will undergo many changes before release, most of the core mechanics are already scripted. You can start to get a feel for the direction it’s heading.

Next, we’re showing off a sneak peek of buildings from fully completed islands. The building design has come a long way, and the map will feature numerous large, highly detailed islands!

Here’s the menu that appears when you create your character. You’ll be able to view all your character’s features and choose a name and gender, any feature is rerollable. Customization is a huge part of this game, so we’ll have over 60 unique outfits to style your character and more than 15 face options for both male and female characters!

As you can see, there are accessories and customization options for factions like the Marines and the World Government!

Progress was also made on our new ship models, which we hope to be able to bring to life in the new month depending a variety of factors. We've continued to make progress on all fronts of development, and are excited to show you more leading up to the Christmas Special!

Next month, we’re aiming to launch the testing phase for Patreon supporters! See you all soon, we’re so excited to bring this to life!

Clone Wars: Project

In November the team was hard at work on preparing Clone Wars: Project for it's Alpha release. We focused our efforts on preparing for our stress test. Over 95 players came to our stress test, and this allowed us to find a lot of bottlenecks with our systems. For the next 6 hours of the stress test, we fixed ALL the issues from our initial hour of the test. This was a huge milestone forward and it cannot be understated. 

We fixed AI running and shooting into walls, a code loop that was causing major lag was also patched, which allowed us to truly unleash the full performance of our systems.

We also tested our statement from last month, of having hundreds of thousands of bullets that hardly moved ping. We test this in actuality with our players, and it holds up with a max ping of around 119 with thousands of bullets firing at once.

Work is almost complete on the Capital Ships, which feature fully physicalized Escape Pods, Zero G space outside of ship, real physics in space, capital ship physically falls apart on explosion, repairing systems, damage states, player controlled turrets, and more! 

The team decided to start on Coruscant, due to the recent addition of Ministry of Economics and wanting Senators to play a large part of lore, we felt it was needed to make this huge map and bring it into the game for Alpha. Here's our work so far, the huge Senate building is currently in production, and a big thanks for JoeyNero for funding this essential building!

And that concludes this month's report! If you've ever contemplated joining the developers of Unlimited Projects to contribute to our ambitious endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out. We continue to make tremendous progress, and we want to give a huge thank you to both our developers, players, and staff team for making all of this possible. Together, we can continue pushing the boundaries of the Roblox experience to new heights. We're immensely grateful for your dedication.  

We will not be doing monthly report for the Christmas season, so we'll see in your next January Monthly Report! Make sure to check out our annual Christmas Special dropping later in the month!


Drafter - Studio Lead                                                                                    

TheGuyYallKnow - AOT:P New Module Lead Programmer

WaySide - AOT:P Old Module Lead Programmer

Ser3rm - S:P Project Leader & U:P Development Lead

Trystan - U:P Development Lead

Happy - CW:P Lead Programmer

Jai - CW:P Venator Commission Scripter

K1 - OP:P Project Leader 

Rainy - OP:P Animator

vDemiii - OP:P Builder

NotchHero - OP:P Modeler

Toad - S:P Modeler

Virgil - S:P Programmer

Peeler - U:P VFX Artist

LolguyRuski - U:P Animator

PotatoBlockz - AOT:P Builder

Tia - S:P Modeler & VFX Arist

Otto - AOT:P Builder

Vital - AOT:P Builder

Xaden - AOT:P Builder

nobodygivesacrap12 - AOT:P Builder

Orange - AOT:P Animator

Jork - S:P Lead Builder

Catalyst - U:P UI Artist

Combine - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

AleisterCross - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

Ahmed - CW:P Gameplay Advisor

Prime_Slime - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Zack  - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Kerrissh - DS:P/S:P Modeler

Preadator - CW:P Vehicle Artist

Our wonderful staff team and lore team


Thank you to our Patreons!

Caesar_Salid, Acelair, Aotfan96, Atlas, Berecci, BlueStreak3008, Bolt_Awoke, Cartoonfartoon, Chrysler, ClydeJokes, Deadlyhacker9981, Deerhunter60641, Drainerkrieg, EvaWithoutRice, Eyebrawl1235, Galaxy06155, Grollan, HyperGamer653, Infinitymaster761, Janflash35, Jhackedmed, Kakashi_HK, Kaneke, KoriesKoi, Lawwism, LightningGIGN, Mah_Neck, Mr.Azure, MuraGrand, Navi_hub, Oowib, Polarsy, Postamos, PressuredAtrophy, Pvpfaith, Soes_x, Stahlling, Swiftpedro, Teltaps, TheNoya, Tr1ppy02, Trxsh_Fear, Twistymix, Txmirr, Viktorbim007, Vykore, Wadm, xNotKieferx, XV1Celtic, ZyconZX, Zyrieums, AirSwoos, BlasianYoyo, Blez, Dumblummy, Isaiah, S6RE3G0D, Turtle, Zaphox, Zuzuke3uchiha78, AntsFriend_8, Bygons, Combine, Crewman, Dime, DarkenedPlague, Derply01, Eckin1, AleisterCross, Kaito, A'#, Kybrenic, ljawsome995, StygianStorm0, TheHawkGuy9000YT, ToxDox42, Soundwave, and Sharp.

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