Saturday, 26 June 2021

Devblog #004 - Module progress update

Last month we have worked on optimization, cannons, and other game mechanics.

Published by Drafter


New Systems

This last month, we focused on creating new important systems to fully adapt to our new ecosystem.
It was important for us to take user feedback, and apply it to the new module. 

So, for the last month, we have completed and published our new gas boosting and wall holding as a new mechanic.

The gas boost projects the player 4x the normal velocity, allowing for players to fly to areas and outmanoeuvre their opponents.


Civilian Life

Thanks to our dedicated community and patreon donators, we were able to bring together a second team of developers.

This team will be focused on the creation, and implementation of the new civilian life mode within our game.

This mode will feature, hunting, housing, jobs, wages, taxes, government, and so much more.

 This will give a real feeling to players who serve in the military within our game, because now there is a real player they have to protect.

Civilian life will bring a new gameplay experience for players to indulge in.

For the last month, this team has been working on modelling, animating, and programming the basic functionality.

All progress of civilian life so far will be under the change-log.



â–º  Feature - Bows and arrows, aiming, reloading, thresholds, etc.

â–º  Feature - Lumber NPC. Can accept and take a job.

â–º  Feature - Cutting down trees with an axe, picking up lumber.

â–º  Feature - 3DMG Gas boost overhaul

â–º  Feature - Wall holding with 3dmg

â–º  Feature - Inventory system functional

â–º  Feature - Drop system

â–º  Feature - Custom tool icons

â–º  Feature - Swab and cannon ball tool

â–º  Feature - Field cannons, can be moved and reloaded by a player.

â–º  Feature - Wall cannons, move on tracks.

â–º  Feature - Picking up item interaction.

â–º  Adjustment - New titan blood splat effect

â–º  Adjustment - Added pipe smoking animations.

â–º  Adjustment - 3DMG effects overhaul.

â–º  Adjustment - Dead bodies ragdoll and stay on the ground for 300 seconds. Lootable only in PD's.

â–º  Major Bug Fix - Fixed former horse rig, can continue work on horses.

â–º  Bug fix - Fixed stomping sounds/screen shake from titans not playing.

â–º  Bug fix - Fixed gas effects playing on other players without use.

â–º  In progress - Finalizing the inventory ecosystem.

â–º  In progress - Finalizing the horses and carts after a bug delay.

â–º  In progress - 3dmg gamepass implementation

â–º  In progress - Door and chair system

â–º  In progress - Genetic system 

â–º  In progress - New PD System

Moving forward

As we take our journey into July, we are becoming more and more confident on a stable release very soon.

As of today, there are 15 features, big and small, left on our development list.

These features are necessary for a stable release, with enough content to satisfy our player base. 






Drafter - Studio lead

Yuuki - Lead Programmer

RoGuruu - Gameplay programmer

Golden1480 - Gameplay programmer

Draudee - Head Department 

SystemFibrosis - Head Department 

Pikaogaming1234567 - Animator 

TheEnderLord123 - Animator 

Abella - Animator

Gio - Lead Modeler

EhhDmitry - Lead Builder

MarZhal - Modeler 

Naoki - Artist 

Marcus - Builder

Wax - Builder

Jona - Builder

Voltigar - Builder

•â†º - Builder

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