Saturday, 1 July 2023

Inside Unlimited Projects #4

In June, we've continue to make good progress on all projects throughout the studio.

Published by Drafter


June Monthly Report:

Last month's collection of progress throughout the studio, presented to the community to see the progress we are making. Now, let's see what work took place this month...

Attack on Titan: Project

Last month, the Old Module team completed multiple tasks and finished many features. The Old Module titans received an overhaul with new models and functionality. New 3dmg updates were added as well, adding new camera offset effects and new 3dmg animations, as well as adding a low graphics option for players. A UI polish was added to multiple UIs throughout the game, and many fixes such as PD logs delay, 3dmg cases, and SG spawns were all fixed. New uniforms and factions were also added to the game. Work also continued on Titan Shifters, the team has begun implementing the animations after solving a major issue with the rigs.

The New Module team continued work on the New Module Freeplay mode. Titan killing was added with the correct new UI implementation. The Titan killing and Mission scoreboards were added to the lobby, where players can see who has the most kills and missions completed in free-play mode. In the future, we will also add a scoreboard for kills in the Journey mode. The Shop and Upgrade vendor was also implemented into the lobby, allowing players to purchase clothing with in-game currency earned from missions, and allowing players to use skill points from levels to put towards upgrading their gear, health, dexterity, and stamina. Our currency and level UI as also been added and programmed with functionality. The Victory and Defeat screens have been implemented, alongside the Respawn devproduct, and Respawn as [REDACTED] devproduct will be given work at the beginning of the month. Finally, the Character Creation and Bloodline Rerolls were implemented. Work will continue into July finishing up the Titans and 3dmg combat. 

Shinobi: Project

Continuing off the great progress we made in the end of May, the team fully completed in the new map last month, and began work on a new map that'll be added in our weekly future updates. Multiple POI's and mission-specific locations were created and implemented into the map. No more information will be given on the new map until release. This is to allow the players to explore the awesome large scale map we created. The Programming team completed most of the UI rework, implementing hovering for items, and the new talent tree. The team also finished a remake of the AI service, a remake of the servertraits, and created multiple clan progression paths. The build team is now focusing on two new maps that will come in future updates, the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] both began active production towards the end of last month. 

Demon Slayer: Project

Work progressed on the final breathings for Flame and Water, adding new features such as iFrames and player outlines was created for the new "Dead Calm" move, which required lots of work to implement into the breathing system framework. The build team continued work on new village points of interest, and wlecomed a new builder onto the team earlier last month. Due to schedules, work went slow this month but is expected to pick up in July. 

Clone Wars: Project

Last month, the programming team continued work on the free play mode. Multiple tests were held to iron out bugs, and many bugs were patched. The new victory and defeat screen was added, with plans for further functionality after the gun rework. The new gun system was implemented, but due to complications with the code, the team decided to remove the gun system and resume the gun system that we started at the beginning of last month. This will allow us full customization of the code. Although we must code the guns from a previous point in June, the data and functionality learned from the prior gun system helped the team understand goals and quality standards for how guns should function. The modelling team continued the major rework on the Venator, implementation of lighting and scaling were implemented into the Roblox engine. Unfortunately, the new Venator rooms must be reimported to the prior editor to solve the placing issues, allowing us to place the new rooms and hallways into the Venator outside of the Roblox engine. 

That's it for this monthly report, we cannot wait to have you all play what we've been working on for the last few months. None of this would be possible without your support. We will be back with our July Monthly report in the next month!


Drafter - Studio Lead                                                                                    

Yuuki - AOT:P Lead Programmer

Kaisellin - AOT:P Lead Programmer

Koni - AOT:P Lead Programmer

Lui - AOT:P New Module Lead Programmer

Loner60 - S:P Project Leader

Ser3rm - S:P Lead Programmer/Project Leader

Infy - DS:P Lead Programmer

Trix - CW:P Lead Programmer

Evelyn - AOT:P Builder

Exactly - AOT:P Builder

Maunchy - AOT:P Builder

Polar - AOT:P Builder

Otto - AOT:P Builder

Vital - AOT:P Builder

Xaden - AOT:P Builder

Drify - S:P Builder

Jork - S:P Builder

XyPixel - DS:P Lead Builder

Tia - DS:P Builder

Clash - AOT:P UI Arist

Catalyst - S:P UI Artist

DisguisedDash - CW:P UI Arist

TheDiddler - S:P Builder

Lizardgucci - S:P Village Artist

LolguyRuski - U:P Animator

Prime_Slime - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Zack  - DS:P Gameplay Advisor

Kerrissh - DS:P/S:P Modeler

Scrumptious - DS:P/S:P VFX Artist

Preadator - CW:P Vehicle Artist

Our wonderful staff team and lore team

Thank you to our Patreons!

Acelair, Aotfan96, Atlas, Berecci, BlueStreak3008, Bolt_Awoke, Cartoonfartoon, Chrysler, ClydeJokes, Deadlyhacker9981, Deerhunter60641, Drainerkrieg, EvaWithoutRice, Eyebrawl1235, Galaxy06155, Grollan, HyperGamer653, Infinitymaster761, Janflash35, Jhackedmed, Kakashi_HK, Kaneke, KoriesKoi, Lawwism, LightningGIGN, Mah_Neck, Mr.Azure, MuraGrand, Navi_hub, Oowib, Polarsy, Postamos, PressuredAtrophy, Pvpfaith, Soes_x, Stahlling, Swiftpedro, Teltaps, TheNoya, Tr1ppy02, Trxsh_Fear, Twistymix, Txmirr, Viktorbim007, Vykore, Wadm, xNotKieferx, XV1Celtic, ZyconZX, Zyrieums, AirSwoos, BlasianYoyo, Blez, Dumblummy, Isaiah, S6RE3G0D, Turtle, Zaphox, Zuzuke3uchiha78, AntsFriend_8, Bygons, Combine, Crewman, Dime, DarkenedPlague, Derply01, Eckin1, AleisterCross, Kaito, A'#, Kybrenic, ljawsome995, StygianStorm0, TheHawkGuy9000YT, ToxDox42, Soundwave, and Sharp. 

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